"Sometimes I wish I had a completely different life"
If you are here, it must mean you are very dissatisfied with the way you live. You are hoping for change, waiting for something, but that is only making you feel more abandoned and cast out by the world to fend for yourself.
So, you work up the courage and go online. You have heard people say that you are one step away from living a completely different life and you think that will work. The people online whom you admire, who live this perfect, productive and successful lives tell you to do a bunch of things. You feel overwhelmed at first, but then figure this pattern out, that you think might work for you.
You have the perfect plan and after days of procrastination you finally start. The beginning was hard but you did it, only to find your demons on the front seat, making you want to crawl up under your shell. Everything is fine, except for yourself. You seem to not find a way out for yourself and stay paralyzed in fear at the mere thought of getting out of your comfort zone.
If this is you, Hi! I am not a licensed therapist and I am also not here to tell you what is right and what is wrong. If it is keeping you alive, good for you. But if it is making you dissatisfied, I guess then we can talk. At this stage, I get what you need the most is compassion, not advice.
So I will be sharing my experiences here with things that I struggled in life with and how I overcame.
Healing Through Writing.
'Writing does something to you', they say. To me, it changed my destiny.
Downloadable resources
Worksheets on tracking discipline, consistency and more.
Journal : Unbecoming you.
A guide to gentle healing through tried and tested methods.
About me
When you first read my homepage you might have gone 'Who are you?'
I have done nothing significant in life except healing myself that allowed me to escape self-pity and take control over my life. I am also a very insignificant person who hopes she could help someone by sharing what she knows.
"Meandering through the plains like a lone wanderer, adrift from my former life. In hopes of a home to reside in, my love for the cosmos ingrained in my being, I am but a lonely soul, sinking into the embrace of the universe, for I have never felt more loved. "
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