Worksheets on tracking Discipline and Consistency

Free downloadable worksheets. More will be added later.


12/10/20241 min read

Tracking discipline:

No matter where we go, a disciplined person is often well respected. The ability to be able to do things disregarding momentary distractions with focus and concentration does not require willpower but clarity. The clarity that comes from within someone who knows what he wants and wishes to get it nonetheless.

There are many reasons why someone is not disciplined. They may be lazy, unable to focus or concentrate, have low self-control or not having enough motivation. They may also consider the task hard or out of their comprehension which remarkably increases their fear of failure. Discipline is a skill. A skill is something that needs to be practiced t be honed. We might not be good at it at first, but with practice it will come handy.

To practice discipline, one must be aware of the challenges you may face in the process. You will be stopped by your own emotions, which can make you feel out of control. And to make ourselves not be controlled by these overwhelming emotions, we need to ask why.

Why am I feeling what I am feeling at the moment?

There are also other ways like having someone control your schedule like in the military or having healthy competition while working on projects. The way I am talking about is taking the gentle route, which suited me better, someone who lacked clear direction, was surrounded by undisciplined people, had low self-esteem and high self-hatred, and had a huge fear of failure and a high degree of perfection. If I gave up once, I would berate myself for days.

Being gentle with myself, figuring out reasons to why I was feeling the way I was feeling helped me be patient with myself. And also made the process smoother, helping me build a smoother foundation.